
新概念英语一册 lesson 73-74课件下载The way to King Street

2023-12-21 17:01

Tower of London has served as a fortress, armory, treasury, mint, palace, Observatory, refuge and prison, especially prisoners held upper-class. This purpose the last to produce a phrase "sent to the Tower," which means "imprisonment"  伦敦塔曾作为堡垒、军械库、国库、铸币厂、宫殿、天文台、避难所和监狱,特别关押上层阶级的囚犯。最后的这一用途产生一条短语“sent to the Tower”,意思是“入狱” The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078, the White Tower has been described as "the most complete eleventh-century palace in Europe". Elizabeth I, her sister Mary reign had to imprisonment for a period of time; Tower of London last used as a prison during World War II, imprisoned Rudolf Hess. 1988 as a World Heritage Site.  伊丽莎白一世在她姐姐玛丽一世统治时曾在此入狱一段时间;伦敦塔最后一次作为监狱使用是在第二次世界大战期间,关押鲁道夫·赫斯。1988年被列为世界文化遗产。

Tower of London has served as a fortress, armory, treasury, mint, palace, Observatory, refuge and prison, especially prisoners held upper-class. This purpose the last to produce a phrase "sent to the Tower," which means "imprisonment" 
伦敦塔曾作为堡垒、军械库、国库、铸币厂、宫殿、天文台、避难所和监狱,特别关押上层阶级的囚犯。最后的这一用途产生一条短语“sent to the Tower”,意思是“入狱”
The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078, the White Tower has been described as "the most complete eleventh-century palace in Europe".
Elizabeth I, her sister Mary reign had to imprisonment for a period of time; Tower of London last used as a prison during World War II, imprisoned Rudolf Hess. 1988 as a World Heritage Site. 
