
新概念英语二册 Lesson14 Do you speak English? 第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-22 17:33

新概念英语二册 Lesson14 Do you speak English? 第(3)套免费课件

1. 目前,现在
at present 现在我不想去购物了。
At present, I don’t want to go shopping.现在我的钱不够。
At present, I have no enough money. 现在我没有英语书。
I have no English book at present. 现在我很喜欢英语。
At present, I like English every much. 现在我想好好学习。
At present, I want to study hard. 
all parts of the country 今年夏天,我游览了全国。
This summer, I visit all parts of the country. 我们想游览全国。
We want to visit all parts of the country. 
1. What do you think is happening in the picture?
2. Do they talk with each other? And why?
After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.
