
新概念英语二册 Lesson23 A new house 第(2)套PPT课件

2023-12-23 15:33

新概念英语二册 Lesson23 A new house 第(2)套PPT课件

strange  adj. 奇怪的, 陌生的
He is a strange person.
be strange to sth. 对……不习惯, 对……陌生
I’m strange to computer.
stranger : 陌生人 
She is a stranger to me.
district  n. 地区  
行政划分的区域, 城市内的, 如广州的番禺区: Panyu District
area 地段
This area is very expensive.
1. Whom did the writer receive a letter from? When?
2. In her letter, what did she say?
3. When was the house completed?
What did the writer say in his letter?
What does the writer’s house has?
What’s the impression of the writer’s house?
