
新概念英语二册 Lesson26 The best art critics 第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-23 16:32

新概念英语二册 Lesson26 The best art critics 第(3)套免费课件

 1.I don’t know.  Will there be a bus any more?
I don’t know if/ whether there will be a bus any  more.
2.She asks. Did Tom stay or leave? 
She asks if/ whether Tom stayed or left.
I  love you more than anything else in the world.
The teacher is the tallest.
The teacher is taller than anyone else. 
The watch is the most expensive
The watch is more expensive than anything else
①China is larger than all the countries in Asia.  
②China is larger than any country in Asia.
China is larger than any other country in Asia.
