
新概念英语二册 Lesson28 No Parking 第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-23 17:08

新概念英语二册 Lesson28 No Parking 第(1)套课件下载

have trouble (in)doing 做...有麻烦
have trouble with sb. 和某人相处有麻烦
例句:我和同桌之间相处的不好。I have trouble with my deskmate.
Because of ……  因为……(人、物体)
because of you      因为有你
Because of + 句子
Because of he has had lunch yet,he isn‘t hungry now. 
Because of + V-ing
例句:因为游泳,他放弃了学习。Because of swimming, he gave up the study.
drive the car into 把车子撞上某地
例句:我开车撞树上了。I drove the car into the tree.
I have ever seen 做定语从句, 修饰前边的faces
如果关系词在从句中做宾语, 关系词可以省略, 所以 I 前的which被省略
This is the most difficult thing I have ever done.
This is the most terrible news I have ever heard.
