
新概念英语二册 Lesson29 Taxi 第(2)套PPT课件

2023-12-23 17:43

新概念英语二册 Lesson29 Taxi 第(2)套PPT课件

n. 出租车
He called a taxi for me.他给我叫了辆出租车。
by taxi       乘出租车
taxi stand     (AmE)出租车站
taxi driver     出租车司机
take a taxi to … 打车去…
He takes a taxi to school every morning.
He goes to school by taxi every morning.
v. 着陆,登陆
The plane will land in five minutes.飞机将在五分钟后降落。
The pilot landed the plane safely.飞行员将飞机安全着陆。
The ball landed in the lake.球落入湖中。
词根:v. plough
plough a field     耕田
They plough in spring.     他们在春耕。
美语表达:plow [plau] (发音一样)
Farmers plow in fall or spring.农民们在秋天或者春天耕种。
the Plough      北斗七星(BrE)
the Big Dipper   北斗七星(AmE)
ploughed:   adj. 耕过的(地) 
