
新概念英语二册 Lesson33 Out of the darkness 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-23 19:53

新概念英语二册 Lesson33 Out of the darkness 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

coast 邻近海的比较宽阔或狭长的地域We live on the coast
shore湖或者海的边缘或水边的狭长陆地,比coast范围小She swam to the shore.
beach(shore的倾斜部分)往往在涨潮时候被漫过The little beach hotel has a pleasant environment.
bank河岸The trees on the bank of the river are very big.
一阵暴风雨般的掌声a storm of applause
我们应该经风雨,见世面We ought to face the world and brave the storm.
雨过天晴,否极泰来After a storm comes a calm.
be caught in a storm 遭遇暴风雨
storm in a teacup 小题大做
take by storm 突然巧夺
a rainstorm 暴风雨
a snowstorm 暴风雪
a duststorm 沙尘暴
a brainstorm 头脑风暴,集体讨论
白天太阳给我们光亮The sun gives us light during the day.
在电视塔上,我们能看到南京的灯火From the TV tower,we can the linghts of Nanjing.
To look at the matter in a new light 以新见解看这个问题
