
新概念英语二册 Lesson37 The Olympic Games 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-24 14:18

新概念英语二册 Lesson37 The Olympic Games 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

The ancient Olympic Games took place in Olympia in Greece every four years between 776 BC and 393 AD. 
Then there was a gap(间断)of more than 2000 years before the Games began again in 1896.
If a man who lived in Ancient Greek took a magical journey to the present day and wanted to know something aboutthe present day Olympic Games,What would happen then……
The ancient Olympic Games as well as the modern ones were held every four years
But in ancient Greece only mencould join the games and they had their matches in their own country. No other countries could join them . Now the Olympics are held in
different citieseach time. The best athletes don't get_olive wreath as the prize any longer , but the medals .All the athletes are trying to be higher , swifter , stronger.
You can clap your hands when players do well, when players first appear and when someone fails, but you can’t clap your hands when a game is in progress.
