
新概念英语二册 Lesson43 Over the south pole 第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-24 16:24

新概念英语二册 Lesson43 Over the south pole 第(1)套课件下载

In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. 
美国探险家 R.E.伯德在飞越北极3年之后, 于1929年第一次飞越了南极. 
for the first time第一次(time表示“次,回”,还可以说this time,last time,next time,another time,each time,for the last time等) 
I remind you for the last time that if you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the train. 
Give him these photos next time you see him. 
explorer n. 探险家, 探测者, 探测器
An explorer is someone who travels to places about which very little is known, in order to discover what is there.
explore v.探险, 探测, 探究 
If you explore a place, you travel around it to find out what it is like.
exploration  n.(科研相关)探险,探求,开发 
the act of travelling through a place in order to find out about it or look for sth in it。
