
新概念英语二册 Lesson43 Over the south pole 第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-24 16:25

新概念英语二册 Lesson43 Over the south pole 第(3)套免费课件

★sack n. 袋子
★clear v. 越过
clear(凌空)越过, 跳过,没有接触面的飞跃
go over飞跃
clear the mountain 飞跃山峰
The horse cleared the fence.
fence n.篱笆,栅栏,墙 v.围住,防护
★breath      n. 呼吸
out of breath:上气不接下气
waste one's breath:白费口舌
in one breath:片刻, 转眼间: 
He finished water in one breath. 他一口气把水喝完了.
hold one's breath:屏住呼吸
bad breath:口臭 : You have a bad breath. 你有口臭.
★contents n. (常用复数)内有的物品(具体的东西)
content:内容(抽象) : content of the text  文章的内容
包里的书: contents of the bag
more contents! (口语) 在吃饭时要求再加些饭菜时可以这样说.
★mend v. 修理
Both men started running through the trees.
a  Do you remember these sentences: (KS20) 你还记得以下句子吗?(参见第20课关键句型)
Eating is always a pleasure. 吃总是一种享受. 
I am very keen on cycling. 我很热衷骑自行车. 
He sat there without saying anything. 他坐在那里, 一言不发. 
I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. 没有让你早点知道, 我必须向你道歉. 
