
新概念英语二册 Lesson44 Through the forest 第(2)套PPT课件

2023-12-24 16:37

新概念英语二册 Lesson44 Through the forest 第(2)套PPT课件

1. risk   n. 危险,冒险 
① n. 危险,风险 
Is there much risk of losing money in the stock exchange?
John took/ran the risk of damaging his bus and drove it into the back of the thieves’ car.  
John saved me at the risk of his own life.     
② vt. 冒……危险,使……遭受危险 
We’d better take a taxi. We can’t risk missing the plane. 
John risked his own life to save me. 
2. edge  n. 边缘
on the edge of: 在…边缘; 几乎, 濒于
The bear stands on the edge of the cliff.
We are on the edge of a catastrophe. 
3. strap  n. 带, 皮带
leather strap: 皮带 mobile strap: 手机链/绳
4. possession  n. 所有, 拥有; 财产
in/take possession (of): 拥有, 占有
The unlawful possession of drugs is a serious crime.  非法拥有毒品是严重犯罪行为.
She is in possession of  great wealth.
v. possess
