
新概念英语二册 Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 第(4)套课件在线下载

2023-12-24 17:22

新概念英语二册 Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 第(4)套课件在线下载

Chinese believe that people have the second life. If a person die with
keen hatred and a desire for revenge, he will become a ghost.
So in China, the ghost is usually a man after dying.
The most early book about ghost in China is < Soushenji>(搜神记)
suggest     v. 暗示
① vt. 暗示,(间接地)表明
His silence suggested that he knew something about the man.
② vt. 建议,提议
suggest +that从句 
I suggest that we meet at the restaurant.
suggest +doing sth.
I suggest meeting at the restaurant.
★shake(shook,shaken) v. 摇动
① vt.&vi. 摇,摇动,抖动
Mr. Thompson shook his head.
His hands appear to be shaking. 
② vt. 同……握手
Dan shook hands with him.
=Dan shook him by the hand/shook his hand.
★ accept v. 接受
accept = receive sth.with pleasure)
One day ,I received a bunch of roses,but I didn`t accept it and refused it.
