
新概念英语二册 Lesson48 Did you want to tell me something? 第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-25 14:05

新概念英语二册 Lesson48 Did you want to tell me something? 第(1)套课件下载

1. Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. 
It is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth 句型
这里it是形式主语,真正的主语是to answer。
It is+adj+that +句子
It is impossible for him to help you. = It is impossible that he will help you.
My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.
pull vt.&vi.拉,拖,牵,扯反义词 ←→push vt.推我感觉有人拉着我的胳膊。
I felt someone pulling my arm. You are pulling my leg.
pull one's leg    开某人玩    笑
pull out ----拔出 rest v.休息
for a while,一会儿,片刻。
3. l tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool.
cotton wool本意是指“原棉”的意思,也就是棉花最初的状态。在英国英语中,多用来指代“药棉”。
try to do 努力,尽力做某事(未必会成功)    
manage to do 尽力做某事一定会成功
try doing    试着做某事    
be full of = be filled with
But my mouth was filled with cotton wool.他的钱包里装满了钱
The wallet is full of money
The wallet is filled with money
