
新概念英语二册 Lesson56 Faster than sound! 第(4)套课件在线下载

2023-12-25 15:45

新概念英语二册 Lesson56 Faster than sound! 第(4)套课件在线下载

One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.
one of 直接作主语的时候, 它是做单数看待的
One of the answers is true.
One of those people is good.
He is the only one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.
He is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths.
如果在定语从句中出现了one of作为先行词,它后边的关系代词指代的是后面的复数名词;
如果在one of前面还有一修饰词only,那么后边的关系代词将指代one这个词,作单数看
After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them!
break down   车子抛锚,(机械等)出故障
This morning I was late for work, because my car broke down twice.
under the car指在车下面修理
in the car指正常驾驶。
So I spent almost 2 hours under the car, but only 15 minutes in the car!
