
新概念英语二册 Lesson62 After the fire 第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-26 17:53

新概念英语二册 Lesson62 After the fire 第(3)套免费课件

control  [kən'trəul]    n. 控制 
be in control of sth.指挥,管理或控制 =be in charge of sth
Who is in control of the plan?
be under control 在控制之中
The fire has been under control.火势已受到控制。
Don’t worry, everything is under control.
be out of control 失去控制
The Transformers was out of control.这个变形金刚失去了控制。
I can control it. =I can manage it.    我能对付(口语) 
smoke [sməuk]  
①n. 烟(雾)   full of smoke     充满烟雾 
There is no smoke without fire.  无风不起浪
have a smoke 抽一只烟
smoker     n. 抽烟的人 
heavy smoker   烟瘾重的人 ; nonsmoker  不抽烟的人  
②v. 吸烟 
Don't smoke! = No smoking! 
He smoked heavily. 
smoking area / smoking room    吸烟室 
cigarette = cigar     n. 香烟 
