
新概念英语二册 Lesson73 The record-holder 第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-26 21:07

新概念英语二册 Lesson73 The record-holder 第(1)套课件下载

★evade     v. 逃避,逃离
① vt.(巧妙地)逃脱,躲开
She evaded a blow from the man and then called out for help.
② vt. 回避,逃避(尤指不当地)
evade doing sth.     逃避做……
He always tries to evade paying taxes.
Many children dream of evading school.
avoid       v. 逃避,逃离,避免
avoid 指通过一种合理的,正当的手段来避免做某事;
evade 指通过欺骗的手段来避免做某事。   
who was put into prison for evading taxi?
What we want is some water.我们需要水。
To say something is usually easier than to do something.说一些事往往要比做一些事容易。
Whether he will come is still unknown.他是否会来还不知道。
