
新概念英语二册 Lesson74 Out of the limelight 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-26 21:22

新概念英语二册 Lesson74 Out of the limelight 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

in case +从句   假使,万一……的话,免得,以防万一(常用于引导条件或目的状语从句,当句子表示将来的时间时,in case后面必须用现在时态或should/might)
in case you can't read      除非你们不识字。 
I’m taking a raincoat with me in case I need it.
In case he comes/should come, give him this letter.
in case of + n. 假使,万一……的话,免得,以防万一 
Take your umbrella in case of rain.
You should insure your house in case of a fire.
公共标语通常字数很少,语言精练。在表示“禁止……”时往往用no+名词/动名词或名词短语,如No Camping(禁止野营),No Smoking(禁止吸烟),No Parking(禁止停车),No Left Turn(禁止左转弯)。在真正的公告牌上,这些标语往往全部用大写字母,不加标点,如NO SMOKING等。
On public notices we write No Camping instead of Do not camp.
在公告牌上我们不用Do not camp,而用No Camping。
The food which wasn’t in the fridge all went off.
The food, which wasn’t in the fridge,all went off.
