When was there a special news bulletin on TV?
On April 1st.
How long has it been grown there ?
For over 600 years.
Has harvesting already begun ?
Yes ,it has .
Whose wife appeared in the film ?
Riccardo Brabante’s
Who was she talking to ?
The manager of the local factory
macaroni 指“通心粉”,是加工过的面粉。它不可能像wheat, rice一样长在田里,不该与fields 连用,但由于是愚弄人的玩笑,所以这篇文章通篇都是以通心粉长在地里为前提进行的描述。由于macaroni 是意大利语,很可能有人会以为是某种没听说过的新的粮食品种。
1月1日新年(New Year's Day )
2月14日 情人节(Valentine's Day)圣瓦伦丁节 Saint Valentine's Day
复活节前的星期五 耶稣受难日(Good Friday)
3月12日 复活节(Easter)
4月1日。愚人节(April/All fool's day)
5月的第二个星期日 母亲节(Mother's day)