
新概念英语二册 Lesson82 Monster or fish? 第(4)套课件在线下载

2023-12-27 17:23

新概念英语二册 Lesson82 Monster or fish? 第(4)套课件在线下载

1.What do fishermen and sailors sometimes claim?
2.What have people often laughed at?
3.What is now known?
4.What happens occasionally?
5.How often are they caught out at sea?
6.Where was a peculiar fish caught ?
7.When was it caught?
8.How was a small fisherman?
9.What did the fisherman realize?
10.What did he try hard not to do?
11.Where was it eventually brought?
Firemen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea
She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost. 
He claimed that he found the money in the forest.
He claimed to be a Scot, but he had a strong Liverpool accent. 
She claims to be a good pianist.
