
新概念英语二册 Lesson88 Trapped in the a mine 第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-27 18:31

新概念英语二册 Lesson88 Trapped in the a mine  第(1)套课件下载

★capsule ['kæpsju:l]  n.容器 
★surface ['sə:fis] n.地面、表面、外表     
常用短语:on the surface在表面上
the surface of the moon月球表面
the surface of the lake was quite still. 湖面相当平靜。
★layer ['leiə]  n.层
★explosive [ɪk'splosɪv]  n.炸药     
★beneath  prep.在……之下 
{有时还可以表否定的含意not good enough of suitable for someone to do sth. }以下列句
He is beneath my notice.我根本就不注意他。
★vibration [vai‘breiʃən]  n.震动  
   20 vibrations per second一秒钟跳二十次
There is so much vibration on a ship that one cannot write.船上的震动大得使人无法书写。
vibrate  v.(使)震动, (使)摇摆 
vibrational   adj.震动的, 摇摆的
