
新概念英语二册 Lesson8 The best and the worst第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-22 14:29

新概念英语二册  Lesson8 The best and the worst第(1)套课件下载

This is small 
That is smaller than this one.比较级必须交代比较对象(上下文,than)
That is the smallest  in China/of them/I have ever seen最高级要限定范围(in+名,of+代,I have ever..)
This is a competitive society and is full of competition. You have to compete with other people to make a living. If you want to succeed, first you will have to be competent and then be competitive . 
1.Does the writer live in the same town as Joe?
2. What does Joe has got?
3. What does nearly everyone enter for?
4. How big is Bill Frith’s garden?
5. Does Joe work harder than Bill?
6. Whose garden has more flowers andvegetables ?
7. What has Joe made in his garden?
8. What has he built over the pool?
9. Does the writer like gardens?
10. What does he like?
