
新概念英语三册 Lesson58 A spot of bother第(1)套课件下载

2024-01-01 10:40

新概念英语三册 Lesson58 A spot of bother第(1)套课件下载

lift n.电梯(elevator);n./v.举起,升高
~ up 举起,使振奋
not ~ a finger 
-He won’t lift a finger to help them.
give sb. a lift 
prudent adj.谨慎的
be ~ to do sth.
-The mother told her kids to be ~to deal with strangers.
inconceivable adj.不可思议的
-It seems ~ that Houston Rocket could beat Los Angeles Lakers and win the final championship.
conceive v.怀孕;构思,构想
~of…as 把…看作为=
regard as/ describe as/ imagine as/ refer to…as/ think of…as
-I conceive of the the book as my best friend.
fussy adj.大惊小怪;过分装饰的,挑剔的
Be ~ about 过于讲究;过分挑剔
-Are you ~ about what you wear? 
-Don’t be so ~ about the food.

