
人类为什么不吃食肉动物?Why don't humans eat carnivores?

2024-06-12 08:21

人类为什么不吃食肉动物?Why don't humans eat carnivores?
I'm a lover of carnivores and food, so when I sank my teeth into this question, I thought I already had a pretty good idea of what the answer was going to be.
But there are actually several really interesting possibilities out there about why we generally keep carnivores off the menu.
The first reason we might avoid eating carnivores -- and this was my go-to hypothesis before this video -- is the safety, or really, the un-safety, of their meat.
As animals live their lives, they pick up potential nasties -- things like parasites, microbes, and heavy metals -- some of which can hang around in their bodies and cause harm.
When one animal eats another, it adds that animal's nasties to its own nasties.
When that animal-eater eats another animal, it'll ingest all that animal's nasties.
And if something should eat the eater, it'll nom up ALL those animals' nasties.
The idea is that eating animals that eat lots of other animals might expose us to more nasties -- and that's not great.
We do know that certain animal-eating species do contain high enough levels of certain nasties that make them potentially dangerous for certain humans to consume, but we don't have evidence that this problem applies to humans eating carnivores in general.
So let's move onto the second hypothesis: deliciousness; maybe animals that only eat other animals just don't taste all that good.
And, because we're dealing with deliciousness, I'm gonna hop over into MinuteFood-land for this one.
Now, there are a few reasons why carnivore meat might not be particularly tasty; the first is texture.
Carnivores tend to be lean, mean hunting machines -- they have to be in order to catch their prey.
The leaner and stronger an animal is, the less juicy fat it contains and the thicker its bundles of muscle fibers are, so the tougher its meat is likely to be, and in general, humans aren't big fans of tough meat.
Then, there's flavor, because what an animal eats can affect how it tastes -- that's why some people care whether they're eating grass-fed or grain-fed beef.
Maybe something about eating lots of other animals -- like the urea critters tend to contain, or the icky compounds produced when meat sits around -- makes a carnivore's meat taste gross.
And there is some anecdotal evidence for this; people who've eaten bear during different seasons of the year tend to say that spring bears -- which have been gorging on berries -- are way tastier than fall bears, which have been feasting on fish.
Speaking of fish though, there's a big exception to this whole "humans don't eat carnivores" thing; several of the fish species we eat only eat other animals, and they don't taste bad -- quite the opposite really.
So I'd go so far as to say that the taste hypothesis doesn't hold up -- at least not broadly across all carnivores.
Let's go back to MinuteEarth-land to chat about the third hypothesis: inefficiency.
At least in modern times, producing enough meat to feed big groups of big, hungry humans has generally required raising animals for their meat, and doing this with carnivores doesn't make that much sense.
There's the matter of them seeing us as food, but the bigger problem is that raising carnivores is kind of a waste.
If you feed, say, a cow 10,000 calories of grass, most of that energy goes into keeping the cow alive -- only about ten percent of it goes into building body mass.
So from all this grass, you'll only end up with something like 1000 calories of beef – that's basically just a couple steaks.
And if you feed those 1000 calories of beef to, say, a tiger, you'll get only 100 calories of tiger meat.
It's way more efficient -- and easier -- to just eat the beef yourself!
It's even more efficient to eat the plants yourself, but that's a whole other video.
This hypothesis -- inefficiency -- is the only one that's actually supported by the weird fact that we do eat carnivorous fish.
The very same energy loss happens in the ocean too, but since we've spent most of history just opportunistically catching fish -- rather than raising them ourselves -- inefficiency here hasn't really mattered to us.
