
日本实验创下互联网流量速度纪录 Japanese Experiment Breaks Record for Internet Traffic Speed

2024-01-04 16:07

Japanese researchers say they have broken the world speed record for sending internet data.


The recent experiment involved sending data over fiber-optic lines enclosed inside cables. Fiber optic technology is currently the fastest way to transport, or transmit, internet data.


Fiber-optic cables use signals of light to send data over long distances. The fiber material is very thin, about one-tenth the thickness of a human hair.


Fiber-optic technology was meant to replace an older internet transmission method that uses cables made mainly of copper wiring. This method can also carry data over the internet, but at much reduced speeds and capacity compared with fiber-optics.


A report released last year by the United Nations’ International Telecommunication Union (ITU) suggested current worldwide internet data transmission is reaching full capacity levels.


The Japanese data transmission experiment used fiber-optic cables. But the engineers involved made some changes to the cables in an effort to greatly expand speed and capacity.


Such methods are known as multiplexing technologies. They aim to increase the amount and speed of internet data with existing transmission equipment. These technologies combine multiple communication signals into a single transmission line.


One multiplexing technology – called Wave Division Multiplexing (or WDM) – aims to increase the wavelength capacity within transmission cables. Another method – called Space Division Multiplexing (or SDM) – can involve increasing the size or number of fiber-optic centers, called cores.


Engineers from Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NCIT) led the researchers who carried out the experiment. The tests measured speeds in petabits. One petabit equals 1 million gigabits.


The record transmission demonstrated a data transmission capacity of 22.9 petabits per second in a single fiber-optic cable. The previous record for data transmission was 10.66 petabits per second, set by the same team at NCIT.

创纪录的传输显示了单根光纤电缆的每秒22.9 petabits的数据传输容量。之前的数据传输纪录是由NCIT的同一团队创下的,为每秒10.66 petabits。

Major progress has been made in recent years in internet data transmission speeds. In October 2022, an international group of researchers announced they had broken the world record. That team reported they had reached a test rate of 1.8 petabits per second using a single optical cable.

近年来,互联网数据传输速度取得了重大进展。在2022年10月,一组国际研究人员宣布他们已经打破了世界纪录。该团队报告称,他们使用一根光缆达到了每秒1.8 petabits的测试速率。

Results of the Japanese experiment were officially presented in a paper released at the 49th European Conference on Optical Communications in October. The team said it was able to beat the previous record by a large amount using new methods to expand and combine different WDM and SDM elements.


The method used a fiber-optic cable that contained 38 cores. The researchers said expanding the number of cores resulted in an “increased number of optical paths” for high-speed data transmission.


One researcher was Chigo Okonkwo of Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He told the country’s NL Times the rate of 22.9 petabits per second represented “about 20 times the global internet traffic per second.” Okonkwo also noted the speed is about 229 times the total capacity of the kinds of fiber-optic cables currently in use today.

其中一名研究人员是荷兰埃因霍温科技大学的Chigo Okonkwo。他告诉荷兰的NL Times,每秒22.9 petabits的速率代表着“大约是全球每秒互联网流量的20倍”。Okonkwo还指出,这个速度大约是目前正在使用的各种光纤电缆的总容量的229倍。

Worldwide, the estimated average internet data transmission speed in 2023 was about 46.8 megabits per second, international research service Statista reports. The rate reached 118.7 megabits per second in Western Europe, while Northern Africa had the lowest estimated rate at 9.8, Statista said.


The American-based Pew Research Center studies internet data transmission rates across the United States. Pew reports the fastest current data transmission method available in the U.S. – called Fiber to Home – is about 10 gigabits per second. This amount is equal to about 10,000 megabits per second.

总部位于美国的皮尤研究中心研究了美国境内的互联网数据传输速度。皮尤报告称,美国目前最快的数据传输方法是家庭光纤,每秒约为10 gigabits。这相当于每秒约1万兆位。

Most Americans receive much slower data transmission rates, an average of just under 50 megabits per second. Pew estimates Fiber to Home service only accounts for about 20 percent of the U.S. internet service market.


The NCIT team described its latest test results as “a major step toward the realization of future ultra-large capacity optical communication networks.” But in order to reach this goal, the team said its current methods must be further perfected.


For example, the researchers pointed to one major issue that could delay future deployments of its super-fast fiber-optic system. This will be the need to complete “significant upgrades” to current telecommunication hardware systems in order to support the new cable technologies.


Words in This Story

fiber optics – n. the use of very thin glass or plastic wires through which light can travel to carry data, especially for internet and computer applications

cable – n. a set of wires covered by plastic coverings

capacity – n. the total amount of something that can be produced or contained

wavelength – n. the distance between two waves of energy

upgrade – n. a piece of equipment or software that improves the quality or usefulness of a computer or machine
