
年轻人的英语技能下降 Young People’s English Language Skills Decreasing

2024-01-10 09:11

A recent index that measures English language ability around the world finds that young people’s English language proficiency is decreasing.


The 2023 EF English Proficiency Index (EPI) ranks countries and areas by English proficiency. The index is based on test results from 2.2 million people in 113 countries. The test is published by EF Education First, a private company based in Switzerland. VOA Learning English has a partnership with EF Education First to provide the online test to English learners.

2023年EF英语熟练指数(EPI)对各国和地区进行了英语熟练度排名。该指数基于来自113个国家的220万人的测试结果。该测试由瑞士的EF教育第一公司发布。VOA Learning English与EF教育第一公司合作,为英语学习者提供在线测试。

The EPI found that while young people's English skills are decreasing, working adults continue to increase their proficiency in English. There are different opinions about why the difference exists. Some people blame the COVID-19 pandemic, but others say artificial intelligence (or AI) tools could also be a reason.


EF Education First released the 2023 index last November. EF EPI author Kate Bell warned that the 2023 index gives a false sense of global stability, meaning English speakers’ proficiency stays about the same. But the truth is that gains in some countries are being offset by losses in others, Bell said in an EF Education First press release.

EF教育第一公司于去年11月发布了2023年指数。EF EPI的作者凯特·贝尔(Kate Bell)警告说,2023年指数给人一种错误的全球稳定感,意味着英语使用者的熟练程度保持大致不变。但贝尔在EF教育第一公司的新闻稿中表示,事实是一些国家的提升被其他国家的下降所抵消。

Results by age group

Results were reported by age group for the first time in 2015. Since that time, the English proficiency of young people has decreased by 89 points. The EPI defines young people as being 18 to 20 years of age.


However, the EPI notes that the 18 to 20 group was mostly stable with big decreases in a few large countries. India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Japan showed the largest proficiency decreases among youth.


Kansuke Ikebe is a 21-year-old student from Shiga, Japan. He told VOA Learning English that the results are “really surprising. In my opinion, I’ve never felt it is decreasing. It is maybe because there are many youth who can speak English in my university.”

池边寒介(Kansuke Ikebe)是来自日本滋贺县的一名21岁的学生。他告诉VOA Learning English说,结果“真的让人吃惊。在我看来,我从未觉得它在减少。也许是因为在我的大学里有很多能说英语的年轻人。”

The EPI report noted that the decrease appears to have taken place when the COVID-19 pandemic interfered with normal education. The report said, “It is not yet clear if learning loss due to Covid will self-correct over time,” but increased scores are expected in the future.


The EPI said the problem is more difficult in countries where proficiency has been decreasing over time and “where education systems are teaching English less well than before.”


There has been a decrease in proficiency in Japan for nearly 10 years. Ikebe said he could believe the EPI results because of the way English is taught in Japan. “It makes nobody want to learn English more. It is not practical at all and really boring.”

在日本,英语熟练度近10年来一直在下降。池边表示,他能够相信EPI的结果,因为在日本英语的教学方式。 “它使得没有人想更多地学习英语。它一点也不实用,而且非常无聊。”

However, working adults, people 26 years old and older, have been improving their English since 2015. The EPI said this might be because the value of a shared language is most recognized in the workplace. English creates possibilities for individuals and productivity for organizations.


Results by gender

Results from the index also show a difference

 between men and women, what it calls a gender gap. The gender gap among those aged 18 to 25 is three times bigger than it is among working adults. Men’s proficiency has improved by 14 points since 2015, while women’s has decreased by 19 points.


The lack of women in international jobs could be one reason for the gender gap the EPI said. But the gender gap among those aged 18 to 25 might demonstrate “a problem engendered by educational systems themselves or a societal problem schools are failing to address,” the report said.


An exception was the Middle East. The average score for women in that area has increased by 44 points, placing them ahead of men there.


Lower average scores

One notable trend in the 2023 EF EPI is that all the very high proficiency countries and many of the high proficiency countries had lower average scores than in 2022. This could be a possible effect of the pandemic on learning, travel and in-person communication.

2023年EF EPI中一个显著的趋势是,所有非常高熟练度的国家和许多高熟练度的国家的平均分数都低于2022年。这可能是大流行对学习、旅行和面对面交流的可能影响。

The Czech Republic is one country whose score dropped in 2023.


Sabina Wyrob is with the Czech office of EF Education First. She told the Czech News Agency online teaching during the pandemic affected children’s English skills. Schools and students are trying to catch up on what was missed, she told the news organization, but they are still not moving forward.

Sabina Wyrob在EF Education First的捷克办事处工作。她告诉捷克通讯社,在大流行期间的在线教学影响了儿童的英语技能。她告诉新闻机构,学校和学生正在努力弥补落下的内容,但他们仍然没有取得进展。

The reach of AI

The EPI report says that learning a language provides understanding of new ideas as well as better understanding of people. These skills, the report said, remain beyond the reach of AI, or artificial intelligence.


But Ikebe said in Japan: “now AI and translation are being developed well. So, they don’t need to learn English if they just do their homework. I think they don’t use it as a tool to communicate, just a subject to pass the entrance exam.”


Jeannie Tse is a country manager at EF Hong Kong and Macau. She spoke to The Standard newspaper in Hong Kong.


Tse said that while AI has changed the way young people work and learn, the importance of schools, teachers, and face-to-face instruction remains. "I do not believe that AI can completely replace language learning,” Tse said, “but educators can harness AI to enhance language learning methods.”

谢说,虽然人工智能已经改变了年轻人的工作和学习方式,但学校、教师和面对面的指导仍然至关重要。 “我不相信AI能完全取代语言学习,”谢说,“但教育工作者可以利用AI来提升语言学习方法。”

Words in This Story

proficiency–n. ability to use or knowledge of a language

stable—adj. remain the same

practical –adj. related to what is real rather than what is imagined or is a possibility

boring –adj. not interesting

gender—n. the sex of a person; male or female

gap—n. a space between two things

engender—v. to cause

translation –n. changing writing from one language to another

harness—v. to control and make use of

enhance –v. to improve or add to something
