

2023-12-19 22:01

 英语美文欣赏:《星球大战》中的人生哲理 【 www.beibeiyingyu.com 贝贝英语网与您分享!】
It was on May 25, 1977, that Star Wars premiered1) and changed the world. Oh sure, you might have heard that it revolutionized special effects, ushered2) in the era of the modern blockbuster3) or any of a million things that are probably true but still downplay4) the film's massive impact. Star Wars changed the world by ultimately changing the way that we perceived5) it. It changed us. 
   1. Use the Force6). 
   ...But the tools to our salvation lie within us as well. Discovering how to channel these forces is what makes our journey. Let it go. The greatest lesson Star Wars teaches us is that the hero is within. 
   2. The worst enemies you'll face are those you bring with you. 
   When Luke enters the forbidden tree cave on Dagobah, Yoda tells him that all he will face is what he fears inside. Evil doesn't come from some external trickster7) — it is a reflection of our own foul natures.... 
   3. Life is better the first time around. 
   Often imitated, never duplicated8). The original is always the best. 
   4. No matter where you are or what you're doing, someone is going to have a bad feeling about it. 
   Go ahead, say it aloud: Admitting your fears is the first step toward overcoming them. 
   5. "Size matters not." 
   This is a cooler, more complicated way of saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." 
   1. 使用原力。 
   2. 你要面对的最可怕的敌人,来自于你的内心。 
   3. 生活中的第一次最美好。 
   4. 无论你在哪里、在做什么, 总有某些人会为此心中不快。 
   5. “外表无关紧要。” 
   6. Never desert your friends. 
   The best we can hope for in our journeys across the galaxy are good, honest companions. They stick by you through thick and thin and won't judge you based on your crazy family. So next time you're debating leaving Jedi training to rescue your friends from Cloud City, remember who it was that shot down Darth Vader during the Death Star attack. You owe them. 
   7. Everybody means something to somebody. 
   Remember that scene at the beginning of Return of the Jedi when the Rancor9) dies and a guard comes in bawling10) after him? Even the most twisted11), deformed12) and evil beings can be loved for who they are. Everybody is somebody's child. 
   8. All things are true ... from a particular point of view. 
   This is what Obi-Wan tells Luke when asked why he didn't reveal the truth about Darth Vader. But truth is a delicate13) and malleable14) thing: Is Luke Skywalker a freedom fighter or a terrorist? I guess it depends on what side of the Death Star you happen to be on when he blows it up. 
   9. "Do or do not. There is no try." 
   Any task worth doing is worth doing right. 
   10. Fear and anger always lead to the dark side. 
   Even if you're facing certain death at the hands of a playful sadist15) (who just happens to be threatening your sister), releasing your anger will only please him more. Relax — victory can only be achieved through calmness. 
   11. "These are not the droids we are looking for." 
   Searching is futile16) when you don't know what you're looking for. 
   6. 永不抛弃朋友。 
   7. 每个人都有存在的意义。 
   8. 从某个特定的角度来看……所有的东西都是真的。 
   9. “要么做,要么就不做。没有‘尝试‘可言。” 
   10. 恐惧和愤怒总会带来黑暗。 
   11. “这些不是我们在找的机器人。” 
