

2023-08-07 17:42


1. 能力(Ability):
   - She can play the piano beautifully.(她弹钢琴弹得很好。)
   - He can speak three languages fluently.(他可以流利地说三种语言。)

2. 许可(Permission):
   - Can I use your computer for a moment?(我可以用你的电脑一会儿吗?)
   - You can borrow my book if you promise to return it.(如果你答应还,你可以借我的书。)

3. 可能性(Possibility):
   - It can be challenging to learn a new instrument.(学一种新乐器可能是有挑战性的。)
   - She can come to the party if her schedule allows.(如果她的日程允许,她可能会来参加派对。)

4. 请求或建议(Request or Suggestion):
   - Can you help me carry these bags?(你能帮我提这些袋子吗?)
   - Can you please turn down the music a little?(你能把音乐关小点吗?)

5. 推测(Guessing or Speculation):
   - They can be at the park by now.(他们现在可能在公园里。)
   - She can't be serious about that idea.(她不可能认真考虑那个想法。)

6. 表示允许某种情况发生(Expressing Permission for a Situation):
   - You can take a break if you need one.(如果你需要休息,你可以休息一下。)
   - Can we have a moment to discuss this matter?(我们可以花点时间讨论这件事吗?)

