
as soon as体现主将从现的10个例句

2023-08-09 10:03

有的学生问我能不能用as soons as造几个句子,体现主将从现原则,今天贝贝就给大家罗列10个例句,中英文都有。

当“as soon as”引导的从句表示主将从现时,强调的是将来某一动作完成后立即紧接着发生另一动作。以下是10个例句,体现了主将从现的用法:

1. I will start cooking dinner as soon as I buy the groceries.

2. She will call you as soon as she finishes her meeting.

3. They will leave for the party as soon as they get dressed.

4. He will email you the report as soon as he completes it.

5. We'll go hiking as soon as the rain stops.

6. As soon as the movie starts, we'll grab some popcorn.

7. She will text you her address as soon as she arrives at the hotel.

8. We'll head to the beach as soon as we finish packing our bags.

9. As soon as the class ends, we'll meet at the library.

10. He will sign the contract as soon as he reads through the terms.

贝贝英语网提醒:as soon as后面紧跟的就是从句,剩下的就是主句了。
