
in order to怎么用?10个例句帮你搞定

2023-08-10 17:41

有学生问in order to怎么使用,首先用熟记in order to do这个结构,意思是“为了做某事”,用来表目的,接下来我直接给大家来10个例句,看完例句就明白怎么使用了。

1. She wakes up early in order to have enough time for her morning yoga routine.

2. He took extra courses in order to improve his skills for the new job position.

3. They saved money diligently in order to go on a dream vacation next year.

4. She practiced speaking in front of the mirror in order to overcome her stage fright.

5. He started a blog in order to share his travel experiences with others.

6. They worked late nights in order to finish the project before the deadline.

7. She joined a book club in order to broaden her literary knowledge.

8. He started exercising regularly in order to improve his overall health.

9. They adopted a vegan diet in order to reduce their carbon footprint and help the environment.

10. She learned a new language in order to connect with her heritage and communicate with relatives overseas.


5个so that表目的的例句

