

2023-08-11 11:04

当动词不定式(to do)作主语时,它可以表达抽象概念、目的、计划、喜好等。以下是贝贝英语网分享的的例句,希望这些例句能帮助大家更好地理解动词不定式作主语的用法:

1. To explore new horizons is the essence of human curiosity.

2. To build a harmonious society requires collective efforts.

3. To travel around the world is my ultimate dream.

4. To succeed in this endeavor demands perseverance and dedication.

5. To protect the environment is a responsibility we all share.

6. To master a foreign language requires consistent practice.

7. To create beautiful art is the artist's passion and purpose.

8. To achieve inner peace often involves self-reflection and mindfulness.

9. To innovate and adapt is crucial in the ever-changing business world.

10. To promote equality and justice is a fundamental human aspiration.
