
人教版九年级英语第五单元第五课时Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 课件

2023-12-17 12:50

人教版九年级英语第五单元第五课时Unit 5  What are the shirts made of? 课件

Lanterns have been around for about 1800 years. They were first used for lighting in the old days. Today, they are used at festivals and other celebrations. Chinese people love lanterns very much because they’re symbols of good luck and family reunion. From Spring Festival to Lantern Festival, lanterns are hung up everywhere. Lanterns were usually made of bamboo and paper in the old days. Now they are made of many kinds of materials, such as steel, silk, cloth, plastic and so on. They are made all around China. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many other things.
剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。
