
人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 3 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-04 17:49

人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters  Period 3 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

If you find yourself in danger from a forest fire, first of all, stay calm. Cover your face with. Then go to a safer place if you can.
Now for our emergency supplies, we would suggest "always having on hand enough water and food for three days, a radio.
If you find yourself in danger from a flood, first of all, you should stay calm. Find something, such as a piece of wood or a big basin, to help you float on the surface of the water. If possible, find a higher place to stay. For emergency supplies, I advise always having on hand a flashlight, a whistle, enough water and food.
This door should only be used in an emergency.
The government had to take emergency action.
The pilot made an emergency landing in a field.
The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming.
She always remains cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
她在危难中总能保持冷静、 平静和镇静。
You should keep calm even in face of danger.
