
人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-04 18:07

人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

DunHuang is a  tourist city for the Mogao Caves,which is located in the common boundary of Gansu Province, Qinghai Province and Xinjiang Province. Dunhuang, long ago referred to as 'Sha Zhou' (beautiful desert oasis), was a key stop of middle and eastern silk routes in ancient times. The city landmark is an attractive statue, the idea of which comes from the mural in Mogao Caves, a shrine to the culture and arts of Dunhuang. 
1. What are the researchers and scientists trying to do? What modern technology are they using?
hey are working together to help increase knowledge and appreciation of China’s ancient cultural heritage.
They are recording and collecting digital images.
2. Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves?
Because they are a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancient history and have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries.
3. What do you think of the researcher’s opinion in the last paragraph?
It’s very important for us to do something to protect the cultural heritage. We should increase knowledge and appreciation of China’s ancient cultural heritage and other countries’.
A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together to help increase knowledge and appreciation of China's ancient cultural heritage.
“Appreciating one s own cultural heritage
 is very important for understanding oneself. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for International communication and understanding.”
By sharing so many digital photos over the Internet, the group hopes to promote even wider interest around the world in China’s ancient history, culture and traditions. They also hope to further of educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics for future generations(未来的一代) to understand and appreciate
Write a news report about a person or group who worksto protect our cultural heritage. You can use the interview notes above or write about a person or group that you know of.
