
人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit2 Iconic Attractions Period 2 课件

2024-01-05 19:54

人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit2  Iconic Attractions Period 2 课件

Australia is a highly developed country.It is experienced in agriculture, animal husbandry(畜牧业) and abundant in natural resources; it also wins many slogans, such as “the country on the back of the sheep”,“the country in the mining car” and “the country with the ears of wheat”.There is even a phrase specifically describing Australia as “the lucky country”,which means the climate, history, way of life and many other aspects are all very lucky; citizens don’t need to work hard, as long as they let the cattle and sheep eat grass or dig in the earth for mineral.For a long time, Australia makes much fortune for its high-quality export agricultural products and mineral resources which establish a status of one of the most strong countries in the world.
The seasons in Australia are quite the opposite of the Chinese.The four seasons of it are distinctive.Varieties of plants are covered here and animals such as koala, kangaroo also share their marvellous time here.Australia’s diverse landscape is home to astounding natural attractions, sprinkled all over the country.Bring out your inner cowboy in the outback.Dive with sharks at Ningaloo Reef.Hug a koala.Confronted with the exquisite landscape, you are bound to forget all the daily things which trouble you a lot.
All the local people enjoy an optimistic and active life.They also show their kindness and enthusiasm to the tourists.②To sum up, Australia has a decent environment for people to live in.
