
日本GDP将跌至第四 Japan's GDP will fall to fourth place

2023-10-24 11:00

日本GDP将跌至第四 Japan's GDP will fall to fourth place.

Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted that by 2023, Germany would surpass Japan to become the world's third-largest economy, while Japan would fall to the fourth position. One reason for this shift is the depreciation of the yen leading to a shrinking GDP, and the other is the higher inflation in Germany.


GDP is largely influenced by exchange rates, so the actual ranking will be influenced by the fluctuations in exchange rates by the end of the year. However, Japan has long struggled with low economic growth, and the size of the economy is closely related to international influence. Once surpassed by Germany, Japan's presence will further decline.


According to IMF data, by 2023, Japan's nominal GDP will be approximately $4.2308 trillion, a 0.2% decrease from the previous year. In sharp contrast, Germany's nominal GDP is expected to grow by 8.4% to approximately $4.4298 trillion. Central bank data shows that the exchange rate of the yen against the US dollar in the Tokyo foreign exchange market averaged around 131.5 yen per dollar in 2022, but this rate has significantly depreciated to about 150 yen recently. In comparison, the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar has changed relatively little.


Furthermore, inflation rates also have an impact on GDP. It is expected that by 2023, Japan's inflation rate will remain above 3% year-on-year. However, Germany's inflation rate reached around 9% early in the year and has slightly slowed down since, but remained above 4% until September.


This news is undoubtedly a significant blow to the Japanese economy, and it has raised concerns about Japan's future development. If Japan's economy continues to struggle, international attention to Japan will also decrease. Therefore, the Japanese government needs to take proactive measures to revive economic vitality, enhance competitiveness, and maintain its presence and influence.


However, this change also presents a significant opportunity for Germany to become the world's third-largest economy. Germany's economy has consistently performed

 well, and its strong manufacturing sector and excellent technological capabilities have made it the economic engine of Europe. If Germany can maintain this growth momentum, its global position will further rise.


In summary, Japan is expected to be surpassed by Germany in 2023, becoming the world's fourth-largest economy. This change is influenced both by the depreciation of the yen and Germany's higher inflation. For Japan, it serves as a warning and an opportunity. Only through proactive reforms and innovation can Japan regain its economic growth momentum and increase its international status and influence. As for Germany, it's a moment to celebrate, but it also requires continuous efforts to maintain its competitiveness and growth trajectory.

