

2023-12-11 19:42

巴黎圣母院重开倒计时一周年,马克龙视察 One Year Countdown to the Reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Macron Inspects from the Spire.

巴黎圣母院重开倒计时一周年,马克龙登上塔尖视察 法国总统马克龙到巴黎圣母院对修复工作进行视察,并表示2024年12月8日该地将如期重新对宗教活动及公众开放。目前,人们关注的巴黎圣母院塔尖已重新安装完毕,高达96米的巴黎圣母院再次屹立在巴黎的天际线中。 

French President Macron visited Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris to inspect the restoration work and announced that on December 8, 2024, the site will reopen as scheduled for religious activities and the public. Currently, the spire of Notre-Dame Cathedral, which has been the focus of attention, has been reinstated, and the 96-meter-high Notre-Dame Cathedral stands once again in the Paris skyline.



"Rebuilding the Image of France"


According to an announcement from the French Presidency, Macron inspected Notre-Dame Cathedral on the 8th, accompanied by First Lady Brigitte Macron. According to reports, Notre-Dame Cathedral, dating back to the 12th century, is one of France's most iconic landmarks. On April 15, 2019, the roof and spire of Notre-Dame were destroyed in a sudden fire, but the main structure was preserved. Macron promised in 2020 to complete the Notre-Dame restoration within five years.


French news agency AFP reported that on the one-year countdown to the reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Macron inspected the progress of the restoration project and, using scaffolding, ascended to the highest point of the building—the recently erected iconic Gothic spire. After the visit, Macron told the media, "We are keeping to the original schedule, which is eagerly anticipated by people and will demonstrate the image of France rebuilding its heritage." Macron congratulated and encouraged all those involved in this restoration project.


Several French media outlets mentioned that Macron expressed special thanks to General Jean-Louis Georgelin, the head of the Notre-Dame restoration project, who tragically passed away during a mountain hike in August this year. According to an announcement from the French Presidency, Macron "pays special tribute to General Georgelin," acknowledging his decisive role in the restoration project.


France 2, the public television channel, reported that it was General Georgelin's relentless efforts that ensured the smooth progress of the Notre-Dame restoration project and inspired everyone to complete it by the predetermined date. The report mentioned that, to honor his contributions, at Macron's request, the name of General Georgelin has been engraved on a pillar at the top of the spire.
