
美国车企罢工人数超4万人 Over 40,000 workers are on strike at U.S. automakers

2023-10-24 19:11

The United Auto Workers (UAW) has expanded its strike to include Stellantis, an auto manufacturer, at a factory near Detroit, affecting approximately 6,800 employees who began striking on the same day. With negotiations dragging on, Detroit's automakers are facing another blow.


In a press release, the UAW stated, "Currently, Stellantis has presented the worst proposals in terms of wage increases, temporary worker wages, transitioning to full-time status, cost of living adjustments, and more."


UAW noted, "Despite Stellantis having the highest revenue, highest profit margins, and the largest cash reserves, it lags behind Ford and General Motors in meeting UAW members' demands."


Last Friday, Stellantis claimed progress had been made in narrowing differences on major issues with the UAW, building on productive negotiations in recent weeks.


As the strike nears its sixth week, Stellantis' Sterling Heights factory's shutdown puts the total number of UAW members on strike at over 40,000 across the three major automakers, marking the first escalation of union strikes in nearly two weeks.

随着罢工接近第六周,Stellantis旗下Sterling Heights工厂的停摆,使得在三大汽车制造商举行罢工的UAW成员总数超过4万人,这也标志着近两周以来工会罢工的首次升级。

UAW President Sean Feeney said outside the factory on Monday, "We've been trying to do it the right way, and we've been very patient with these companies. But it's time to turn up the pressure, and Stellantis's truck plant is the right target." He referred to the factory as Stellantis's "money machine."


Furthermore, UAW Vice President Ray Boyer, who is responsible for negotiations with Stellantis, accused the company of taking little action on critical issues. "It's time for action; we've been sitting at the table too long, and there hasn't been a proper resolution."


This unannounced strike is the latest indication, as Feeney described it, of a "new phase" in negotiations with the automakers, where the union is adopting a more aggressive approach. In the past several weeks since targeted strikes began on September 15, the UAW had been announcing strike locations and times in advance.


However, on October 11, workers at Ford's Kentucky Truck Plant unexpectedly announced a strike. The factory is Ford's largest, primarily producing the F-series pickups, Ford Expedition, and Lincoln Navigator, with annual revenues as high as $25 billion, accounting for one-sixth of the global total.


Local UAW director Rashaun Inge praised the new strike, saying it should "get the company back to the table" and bring better economic benefits for the workers. "This plant is highly profitable for Stellantis, and I think this strike will open their eyes."

当地的UAW主管Rashaun Inge称赞了这次新的罢工,称它应该会让公司“坐到谈判桌前”,为工人带来更好的经济效益。"这家工厂对Stellantis来说非常有利可图,我认为这场罢工会让他们大开眼界。”

According to data from Anderson Economic Group, the first five weeks of the strike caused a $9.3 billion economic impact, resulting in a $4.2 billion loss for the three automakers and a combined $2.8 billion loss for automaker suppliers in profits and wages. Nearly $500 million in wages was lost by UAW members due to the strike or being laid off during the strike.



Patrick Anderson, CEO of Anderson Economic Group, stated in a release, "Many suppliers are now in jeopardy, and not just one production line. The cost of restarting production is higher if an agreement isn't reached soon, and it may result in some permanent production losses. Suppliers will need financial assistance to resume operations."

安德森经济集团首席执行官Patrick Anderson在一份声明中表示:“许多供应商已经进入危险区域,而且不止一条生产线。如果不尽快达成和解,重启生产的成本更高,并可能会导致一些永久性的生产损失,供应商将需要财政援助才能恢复运营。”
