
新概念英语一册 lesson 03-04 课件下载 Sorry,sir

2023-12-19 18:15

新概念英语一册 lesson 03-04 课件下载 Sorry,sir

My umbrella and my coat please. 省略了动词和间接宾语的祈使句。
Keep off the grass!   请勿践踏草地!
Help yourself!  请自己动手!
Come and see this goldfish.
Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.去给自己买双新鞋吧。
Wait and see.  等着瞧吧。
here is 是简单的倒装句,be 动词放在 here 的后面,这个句式就可以成为简单的倒装句式。
My ticket is here. 我的票在这。
Here is my ticket. / Here's my ticket.
My coat and my umbrella please.
Here is my ticket.
Thank you, sir. Number five.
Here's your umbrella and your coat.
This is not my umbrella.
Sorry, sir.Is this your umbrella?
No, it isn't.
Is this it?
