
新概念英语一册 lesson11-12 ppt课件下载 Is this your shirt?

2023-12-19 18:42

新概念英语一册 lesson11-12 ppt课件下载 Is this your shirt?

1.This is Tom's watch.
Whose is this watch?Whose watch is this?
2.That tall woman is my aunt.
Who is that tall woman?
3.Amy's umbrella is pink.
Whose umbrella is pink?
4.Tina's dress is beautiful.
Whose dress is beautiful?
5.His uncle is a policeman.
Who is a policeman?
6.Naoko is Japanese. What nationality is Naoko?
7.Dick's ticket is on the desk.
What is on the desk?
8.Steven's parents are very well.
How are Steven's parents?
9.Mike's brother is an engineer.
Who is an engineer?
