
新概念英语一册 lesson19-20 课件下载 Tired and thirsty.

2023-12-19 19:40

新概念英语一册 lesson19-20 课件下载 Tired and thirsty.

Mother: What's the matter, children?
Girl: We are tired …
Boy: …and thirsty, Mum.
Mother: Sit down here. Are you all right now?
Boy: No, we aren't.
Mother: Look! There's an ice cream man. Two ice creams please. Here you are, children.
Children: Thanks, Mum.
Girl: These ice creams are nice.
Mother: Are you all right now?
Children: Yes, we are, thank you.
matter ['mata]n.事情     small [smo:l] adj.小的    
children['t∫ildron]n. 孩子们 open ['aupon] adj.开着的    
tired [tand] adj.累,疲乏  shut [∫st] adj.关着的    
boy [bor] n. 男孩    light [lart] adj.轻的    
thirsty ['03:sti] adj. 渴    heavy ['hevi] adj.重的    
mum [mam] n.妈妈      long [lpŋ] adj.长的    
sit down ['sIt-daun]坐下      shoe [fu:]n.鞋子    
right [rart] adj.好,可以;n.右边     grandfather ['grand,fa:ðə]n.祖父,外祖父    
ice cream ['ars-'kri:m] 冰淇淋    grandmother ['grand,maðo] n.祖母,外祖母    
big [b1g] adj.大的
