
新概念英语一册 lesson 33-34ppt课件下载A fine day

2023-12-20 15:47

新概念英语一册 lesson 33-34ppt课件下载A fine day

with [wiD] prep.用;和------在一起
eg. I can see with my eyes.
She can smell with her nose.
Mr. Jones is with his family. 
family [‘fQmEli] n. (a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children) 家人,家庭
family name 姓 family tree 家谱
【辨析】family,home, house
 a. “家,家庭”,强调成员。
b. home (the house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with your family) 生活和居住的
时态 —— 动词变化规则,时间的状态
现在进行时(Present Continuous)
(1)~表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的  动作。如:I’m speaking. You are listening.
(2) ~当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。如:We’re studying math.
(3)~的构成:be (am/is/are)+现在分词
