
新概念英语一册 lesson 35-36课件下载Our village

2023-12-20 15:49

新概念英语一册 lesson 35-36课件下载Our village

come out of 从------出来/go into进入
photograph [‘fEutEugra:f, -grQf] n.照片[C] (informal 缩写photo photos, radio, zoo, piano) 
tomatoes, potatoes
a colour/black-and-white photograph
village [‘vilidZ] n.村庄
a photograph of our village 一张我们村庄的照片
valley [‘vQli]n.山谷in a valley 在山谷里
Is our village in a valley? Yes, it is.
Is our village on a hill?No, it isn’t.
Where is our village? It’s between two hills.
Is our village on a river? Yes, it is.
Who is walking along the banks of the river?My wife and I are.
Who is in the water?A boy is.
What is the boy doing?He is swimming across the river.
Where is the school building?It’s beside a park.
Where is the park?It’s on the right.
Where are some of the children going?They’re going into the park.
