

2023-12-20 16:37


1.Where is Pamela ?She is in her office . 
2.Who are talking ?The boss and Bob . 
3.What does the boss ask Pamela to do ?The boss asks her to type the letter .
4.Can Pamela type the letter for her boss ? Why ?No, she can’t . Because the boss’s handwriting is terrible . 
5. They are typing these letters . They can type these letters.
6. She is making the bed . She can make the bed.
7. You are swimming across the river . You can swim across the river.
8. We are coming now . We can come now.
9. We are running across the park . We can run across the park.
10.He is sitting on the grass . He can sit on the grass.
11. I am giving him some chocolate . I can give him some chocolate.
