
新概念英语一册 lesson 83-84课件下载

2023-12-20 17:35

新概念英语一册 lesson 83-84课件下载

bring sb.sth.=bring sth.to sb.请给我带一些花来。
Please bring me some flowers.
= Please bring some flowers to me .
2. work on 从事,忙于
eg. Have you finished your paper ?
No, I'm stillworking on it .
3. Have your mechanics finished yet ? yet用在现在完成时的否定句,疑问句中。 eg. Has the boss left yet ?
have a look at 看一看 have a try 试一试5 bring 带来 take带去
He always brings some flowers when he visits me .
Mrs. Williams took her son to hospital    
last night.
6 lsn't that your car ?
否定形式的疑问句,语气比较强烈。7 have a crash 出车祸
8 That's right .= That's true .9 drive into 撞到
10 try to do设法去做
Tom tried to climb the tree,but he couldn't.
