
新概念英语一册 lesson 61-62ppt课件下载A bad cold

2023-12-21 15:14

新概念英语一册 lesson 61-62ppt课件下载A bad cold

LADY:  I want some envelopes please.
STATIONER: Do you want the large size or  the small size?
LADY:  The large size please.
LADY:  Do you have any writing-paper? 
STATIONER: Yes, we do.
STATIONER: I don’t have any small pads. I only have large ones. Do you want a pad ?
LADY: Yes, please.
LADY: And I want some glue.
STATIONER: A bottle of glue.
LADY: And I want a large box of chalk, too. 
STATIONER: I only have small boxes. Do you want one?
LADY: No, thank you.
STATIONER: Is that all?
LADY: That's all, thank you.
STATIONER: What else do you want?
LADY: I want my change.
当有前置定语修饰时,只能用the one。
Which do you want?—The red one. 
你想要哪个?——那个红的。(Lesson 21)
当有后置定语修饰时,通常用 the one。
—The one on the shelf. 
