
新概念英语一册 lesson 69-70课件下载Not a baby

2023-12-21 15:54

新概念英语一册 lesson 69-70课件下载Not a baby

现在进行时:表示正在发生的事情或 者进行的动作。
一般过去时:过去发生的事情或者动 作。
Eg: She cleans her room  everyday,but yesterday she forgot to do it.
There were hundreds of people there . My wife and I were at the race . Our friends Julie and Jack were there , too.
You can see us in the crowd . We are standing on the left.
There were 20 cars in the race . There were English cars , French cars , German cars , Italian cars , American cars and Japanese cars .
It was an exciting finish. 
The winner was Billy Stewart.He was in car number 15.
Five other cars were just behind him.
I am at the church now.
I was at the church yesterday.
My son is at the school today.
My son was at the school yesterday.
