
新概念英语三册 Lesson2 Thirteen equals one 第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-28 16:11

新概念英语三册 Lesson2 Thirteen equals one 第(1)套课件下载

equal (ST) adj.合适的,相当的,能胜任的
Phrase: equal to sth./doing sth., have the strength, courage,     ability, etc for sth 等于; 与....相等; 能胜任, 有能力去做     
on equal terms with sb (meeting or speaking) as equals, with no difference in status or rank 平等相处 
eg. All men are born equal. 
She feels equal to the task. 
He doesn’t seem to equal to our demands. 
Now that she is promoted, she is on equal terms with her ex-boss.
raise : v. bring or collect together, manage to obtain; lift up; feed, bring up 筹集,募捐;抬起,举起;饲养,养活
eg. We’re trying to raise funds for the Red Cross. The leader raised an army.
> raise your hand, raise the bag over your head
raise my family, raise my son      
