
新概念英语三册 Lesson8 A famous monastery 第(4)套课件在线下载

2023-12-28 17:25

新概念英语三册 Lesson8 A famous monastery 第(4)套课件在线下载

1:  a social occasion , at which people eat , drink , talk , dance and enjoy themselves .
2.a political organization whose members have the same aims and ideas .
3. a group of people who are doing sth together such as travelling or visiting somewhere.
4.one of people or groups of people involved in a legal agreement .
--A birthday party  / the Labour Party /A party of tourists /the two parties in the marriage contract 
-- We are having a high school dance party. 
--The parties in the lawsuit reached a settlement.
Easter: the Sunday in March or  April when Christians remember the death  of Jesus Christ and his return to life  (Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his death).
Easter   Sunday /Easter Day. 
Easter is a moveable feast.  Easter customs vary across the Christian world, but decorating Easter eggs is  common . 
