
新概念英语三册 Lesson9 Flying cats 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-29 14:48

新概念英语三册 Lesson9 Flying cats 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

1. never fail to,can‘t fail to,don’t fail to,否定词+fail to
2. 否定的形容词之前加以否定,not unreasonable,not unreasonable
What he said is not unreasonable.
It is quite common(not uncommon) for us to make mistakes.
You can‘t obtain English without working hard.
Ex.  他没有肉就吃不下饭。
 He doesn't have any meal without meats.
There is nothing that he can't do.
There is no rule that has no exception.
Ex. 没有不吃腥的猫。There is no cat that doesn't like fish.
One of the things that disturbs humans most about those wild animals is the speculation that they may spell destruction and disasters.
2) 有关昨天的演出,最令人感到好笑的就是那个报幕员的表现,他太紧张了,出现了无数次口误。        One of the things that amused us most about yesterday’s play was the awkward performance by the advertiser who was so nervous as to make numerous slips of tongue.
3) 有关孩子们,最令父母感到恼火的是,他们总是滔滔不绝地称赞自己朋友家,却总是嫌弃自己家的饭菜、卫生或家具。
One of the things that annoys parents most about children is children’s constant praise of the homes of their friends and slur on their own cooking, cleaning and furniture. 
 4) 有关那老师,最令我感到震惊的是他那种有失身份和孩子气的做法。
 One of the things that shocks me most about the teacher is his loss of dignity and descent to childish behavior.
