
新概念英语三册 Lesson13 It’s only me 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-29 15:45

新概念英语三册 Lesson13 It’s only me 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

Do you think these pictures are beautiful? 
Are they frightening?
What kind of party may this be?
(The fancy-dress party.)
What kind of festival may it be?
(The Halloween. October 31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door to door while wearing costumes and begging treats and playing pranks. 诸圣日前夕,万圣节前夕10月31日,在美国、加拿大以及英伦诸岛的孩子们穿着化装服走家串户接受款待并且做些恶作剧以庆祝这个节日)
costume 服装式样; 化装用服装; 戏装
eg. academic costume 学位服
actors in policemen's costumes 穿着警服的演员
costume ball 化装舞会
costume designer (影剧)服装设计员
costume play 古装戏
national costume民族服装
uniform 制服;军服
eg. school uniform 校服
police uniform 警服
Seven days constitute a week. 七天构成一个星期。
Twelve months constitute a year.十二个月构成一年。
